Mark Hamilton and Anna Hess are the co-owners of Avian Aqua Miser. This small company designs and manufactures simple to use and maintain chicken watering systems.
The Avian Aqua Miser Original is designed to hang in a coop or run and provides birds with clean water. Unlike the typical chicken waterer that sits on the floor of the coop and inevitably ends up full of dirt, debris and poop, the Avian Aqua Miser Original is an enclosed watering system that keep your flock’s water clean from start to finish.
You can win your own Avian Aqua Miser Original through this giveaway made possible by the generous donation of Mark and Anna. To learn more about this waterer and other Avian Aqua Miser waterers, check out the Avian Aqua Miser website HERE.
This contest will be open for entries starting August 18th and ending August 28th at 5 p.m. MST. I will then draw one name at random to receive this terrific gift of an Avian Aqua Miser Original.
You can sign up to win this watering system in the sign-up box in the sidebar of the UCP webpage! (Note: you may not see this on a mobile device and will need to log on a regular computer.)
Good Luck!
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