Tina Hickman, certified herbalist and backyard chicken enthusiast and owner of Luv Nest has created four aromatic and effective dried herbal blends to be used in coops and nesting boxes. All herbs used in Luv Nest herb blends are 100% organic and absolutely safe for your flock to consume.
You can win your choice of any TWO Luv Nest herb blends. This giveaway is made possible by the generous donation of Tina Hickman. Thank you Tina! To learn more about the use of herbs with your hens and the Luv Nest products, please be sure to listen to UCP Episode 051 (LISTEN HERE).
This contest will be open for entries for TWO WEEKS only starting July 29th through August 5, 2014 at 5 p.m. MST. (Contest entry period extended to August 12, 2014 at 5 p.m. MST — Apparently my date calculation skills were off the day I originally posted this contest. Oopsies. All fixed now so get your entries in to win!) I will then draw one name at random to receive this terrific gift of TWO bags of your choice of Luv Nest herb blends.
You can sign up to win these LUV NEST nesting box/coop herb blends in the sign-up box in the sidebar of the UCP webpage! (Note: you may not see this on a mobile device and will need to log on a regular computer.)
Good Luck!
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