If you have backyard chickens then you probably abound in your birds’ gift of eggs, eggs and more eggs. Your backyard bounty is delicious, nutritious and delightful, right? Conventional medical “wisdom” over the past few decades would say, “Nay!” Current medical dogma would have you believe that eating eggs regularly (especially the yolks) will likely give you dangerously high cholesterol and lead to heart disease and your ultimate demise – boo, hiss!
Where did all of this anti-egg propaganda begin and is it even factually true? Liz Wolfe, is a certified Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, backyard chickens enthusiast and author of the recently published book, “Eat the Yolks.” In her latest book, Liz deconstructs the myth behind the disparagement of the incredible, edible egg, by shedding light on how a handful of misconstrued studies were hijacked by big food companies to create a generation of “fat-free” carb eaters.
Liz joins us on the Urban Chicken Podcast to explore the fact that eggs are nutritionally a “perfect” food – and not the orbs of death as they have been maligned to be. Liz also discusses her own journey to chicken ownership and Paleo eating, with eggs as a key component of that new nutritional lifestyle (not diet!)
Paleo (or Paleolithic) eating is a nutritional lifestyle that is based on the ancestral human diet. Under this dietary regiment, one eats traditional “real” foods (meats, veggies, fruits, nuts) and avoids those items that our primitive ancestors would not have had access to (e.g. processed foods, sugars, dairy, grains/legumes). Paleo foods are high in protein and nutrient-dense which supports high energy and good health. Moreover, removing grains, dairy and sugars from one’s diet helps reduce inflammation – which reduces the risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, obesity and autoimmune diseases.
Today’s guest, Liz Wolfe became a Paleo diet and Nutritional Therapy Expert after years of struggling with her own health, weight and diet. She suffered from years of yo-yo dieting and problematic eczema. To finally conquer both issues she made an in depth study of what she was eating and how it was affecting her health. Her nutritional education made her question much of what the American population was being told – eating too much fat and meat was bad for your health.
In her most recent book, “Eat the Yolks,” Liz challenges mainstream beliefs about nutrition. In her book, Liz systematically shows how the demonization of the poor old egg is rooted in big business looking to capitalize off of manipulated scientific studies. Unfortunately the adage of “follow the money” is as true as ever when it comes to the food industry. “Eat the Yolks,” reveals where profit, not sound nutrition have driven the food and agricultural market.
Liz introduces here book here:
One would think that a book taking on the weighty topic of debunking widely held nutritional beliefs could be dry – in fact, probably should be about as interesting as watching paint dry. Nothing could be further from the truth! “Eat the Yolks” is highly entertaining as Liz deftly unravels the food myths plaguing America today with both whip-sharp wit and humor. In between all of the scientific and historical information, she peppers her own satirical observations throughout the book so that you find yourself snickering all the way to the end. For example, she humorously summarizes about processed food at one point in the book:
“Food that requires marketing jargon, fancy-schmancy labeling, or, worse, a cartoon spokesperson (or spokes-rabbit, or spokes-tiger, or spokes-leprechaun) isn’t food. It’s an edible industrial product.”
This book isn’t all snark though. Liz has provided all the data and analysis to convincingly support her theories and reveal some food truths that the big agro-food companies do not want you to know.
Liz titled the book “Eat the Yolks” because the egg is such a clear benchmark for so many other foods that have been wrongfully villainized for so long. Even if you are not inclined towards eating a Paleo lifestyle diet – this book will arm you with the perfect ammunition to counter the next attack by someone offering “helpful” advice that eating so many of your backyard eggs will kill you. Learn why your backyard eggs are a perfect food – better than any breakfast granola bar will be for your health.
Ultimately, Liz hopes to convert you through “Eat the Yolks” to embrace a real food lifestyle. As Liz explains in the book, eating real food and gaining better health isn’t alchemy – it’s pretty straight forward:
“Unfortunately, the simplest roads to getting healthier have been totally overshadowed by profit-driven industries, supplement crazes, and deeply ingrained myths that make the simple truth sound –just—what—too darn easy? Though I could talk about this stuff all day, from myths to glorious truths, in the end all ya need to do is eat some frickin’ sardines and some frackin’ egg yolks, and you’re good to go.”
To share the love and knowledge, I am giving away a copy of Liz Wolfe’s brilliant nutritional book, “Eat the Yolks,” to one lucky Urban Chicken Podcast listener. To learn more CLICK HERE!
- Down the Lane – Chickens Unbothered by Fireworks Discussion FORUM
- Backyard Chickens – Chickens Don’t Care about Fireworks Discussion FORUM
- Liz Wolfe’s website Real Food Liz LINK
- Liz’s Book on Amazon: Eat the Yolks
- Youtube – Liz’s Channel (“Real Food Liz”) with several videos LINK
- Liz Wolfe & Diane Sanfilippo’s Podcast “Balanced Bites” on iTunes LINK
- Easy Paleo – Interview of Liz Wolfe LINK
- Paleo Plan – Liz Wolfe on Homesteading, Skin & Paleo Journey INTERVIEW
- Paleo FX – Book review of “Eat the Yolks” REVIEW
- Live to 110 – Podcast interview with Liz Wolfe about book and paleo AUDIO
- Elevate Your Energy – Podcast interview with Liz Wolfe about paleo AUDIO
- Paleo Parents – Book Review of “Eat the Yolks” REVIEW
- Paleo Mom – Podcast Interview with Liz Wolfe AUDIO
- Lewis Howes – Podcast with Liz Wolfe about “Eat the Yolks” AUDIO
- Good Reads – Reviews of “Eat the Yolks” (People Love this Book!) LINK
- Support the Urban Chicken Podcast by shopping Amazon starting here: Amazon
- If Amazon is not your thing – you could also support the show HERE

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