Ears and Eggs. In chickens the two are oddly linked. There is a general rule that the color of a chicken’s ear (actually it’s earlobes, since the ears are covered in feathers and not readily visible) can help you determine what color of egg that chicken will lay. Chickens with white earlobes lay Continue reading →
Lisa Steele is the author of the wildly popular chicken related blog and Facebook page – Fresh Eggs Daily. She shares practical techniques with her audience on how to raise and keep backyard chickens naturally with the aid of herbal remedies and preventatives from illness. Lisa gives simple suggestions for a healthier flock – such as placing fresh mint in your chicken coop. The mint, according to Lisa, helps lower your chicken’s body temperature as well as serves as a tasty treat for your hens and acts as a mouse repellent. This is just one example of the vast knowledge of traditional, natural treatments that Lisa employs to keep her own chickens healthy and happy. Continue reading →