Contrary to a common misunderstanding, you don’t have to be “100% country” or live on a farm for your children to be active in 4H. Truly, 4H clubs are located everywhere – including very large cities across the country.
My niece Lydia, is a perfect example. She lives in a very urban area and yet she has been participating as a “Cloverbud” (youngest rank for a 4H member) for the past three years and loving it. Lydia is pictured above with one of her bantam Wyandotte cockerels, named Nimbus (yes, after a Harry Potter broomstick) in the 4H poultry costume contest at the Western Idaho Fair this past week. Nimbus is “driving” a little John Deere Tractor as his costume and he (and Lydia) won 3rd place.
Participating in 4H, even as urban or suburban backyard chicken keepers is beneficial to both your kids and the community. Continue reading