Do you have a chicken (hen or rooster) which you believe has undergone a spontaneous sex-reversal? Then share your chicken’s information with the Urban Chicken Podcast to be included in our (not exactly) scientific study on this phenomenon.
Please send your bird’s details to the Urban Chicken Podcast through the CONTACT PAGE. Be sure to include all of the relevant information which is listed below on the chart categories.
Chicken's Name & Age at Change | Chicken's Location & Date of Change | Chicken's breed & Original Gender | Physical & Behavioral Changes? | Crowing? // Egg-Laying? | Mating as opposite sex? | Producing offspring? // Change Permanent? | Link to Chicken's Info Post |
Frida Kahlo Chicken -- 1 yr old | Boise, Idaho --Summer 2013 | Black Sex-Link --Hen | More Aggressive | Yes crowing // Yes egg-laying regularly | No | No offspring sired -- Change not permanent (she stopped crowing) | UCP Episode 014 and 018 |
Lucy -- Unknown age | Connecticut -- Summer 2013 | Buff Orpington --Hen | Possibly larger and redder comb and wattles | Yes crowing // No - not laying | Doing mating dance towards other hens | No offspring sired -- Change seems permanent | UCP Blog 013 |
Unknown name -- 1 yr old | Unknown location -- Spring 2014 | Rhode Island Red -- Hen | Lighter neck feathers than the other RIRs | Yes crowing // Yes egg-laying, but eggs can be small, and sometimes yolk-less | Mounting other hens | No offspring sired // Change seems permanent | UCP Blog 013 |
Lulu -- 2.5-3 yrs old | Phoenix, Arizona -- Summer 2014 | White Leghorn -- Hen | More aggressive, grew larger comb and wattles, Grew taller, Growing spurs | Yes crowing // Egg-laying has tapered to a stop | No | No offspring sired // Change's permanency unknown | UCP Blog 017 |
Name Unknown - 10 months old | Portland, Oregon | Unknown -- Hen | None | Yes crowing//Yes egg-laying | No | No offspring sired//change permanency unknown | UCP Episode 058 |