At the most recent of my niece Lydia’s 4H meeting, the children were instructed to bring an egg from their flock for a lesson. One teenage member, Aimee, brought a tiny egg laid by her Serama hen, a bird which she had just acquired a couple of months ago. The tiny egg produced by her diminutive bird was about the same size as a candy egg for Easter. When the egg was cracked open as part of this 4H project, things got even more interesting. Continue reading →
What is really happening inside of your chicken coop? Who is the naughty feather pulling hen? Is there mischief occurring in your flock that you’re simply unaware of?
For the average chicken keeper, it is impossible to know the answers to these questions. Some secrets are simply unknowable in the lives of your flock. One chicken expert and enthusiast has challenged that limitation and the private lives of her hens have been exposed for the entire world to watch. Through an intricate surveillance camera system rigged up in her chicken coop, Terry Golson of is providing unlimited and unfettered access for any would-be chicken voyeurs to watch her birds as they unwittingly carry on their daily routines.
It started off as a match made in heaven. You got some backyard chickens and they started laying you delicious eggs. It seemed perfect at first. That handful of hens though, turn out to be fruitful birds… I mean, REALLY productive. Now you find yourself awash in eggs. Sure, giving some away is a neighborly, friendly thing to do. However, raising chickens in order to keep your neighbors in eggs is not what you had originally envisioned. Your unimaginative egg cooking skills though have burned you out and landed you squarely in an egg-eating rut. Don’t despair! There is a way to find that egg cooking spark again so you once more luxuriate in the bounty from your backyard flock.
To help you rekindle your love for eggs we are joined this week on the Urban Chicken Podcast, by Marie Simmons – a distinguished cooking instructor, food columnist, and award-winning cookbook author. Marie shares how ideas and tips on how to spice up your egg-eating love life. Continue reading →